Planning / Assesment

Technology Use Plans

TES has facilitated the writing of over 70 state approved school district and county office of education technology use plan documents, including multi-meeting facilitations among dozens of key district stakeholders such as board members, district staff in curriculum and I/T, site administrators and K-12 teachers as well as community and parent members. All plans were written in accordance with CDE-required rubrics and specific county guidelines as well as in alignment with each district’s individual initiatives, such as specific superintendent/board directives relative to that district’s curriculum, staffing and finances, E-Rate, EETT, K-12 Voucher and other current and planned resources/programs.

Grant Evaluation

Tech Ed Services, Inc. (TES, Tech Ed) has provided grant evaluation services for 11 various districts and consortia awarded the competitive federally funded Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) Grant since 2004, including multiple years awarded to Los Angeles Unified. EETT Evaluation components include data alignment to goals/objectives, collection, aggregation, interpretation and reporting. TES has compiled EETT data for over 77 school sites, 221 coach/mentors, 1,091 target teachers and 64,461 students; providing 32 state-required semi-annual and annual report documents. Tech Ed has also provided evaluation services for the Los Angeles County Office of Education’s “Handhelds in Education – School PALs (palm Academic Leaders)” pilot, among other projects completed and in process.

Grant Management

Tech Ed has provided grant management services for multiple districts awarded competitive EETT grants since 2003, including coordination of a consortia grant requiring cross-district development, implementation and management of one of the state’s largest funded educational technology projects ($13 million) across eight districts, 33 schools, 500 teachers and 33,000 students. TES also coordinated with multiple university, county office of education and vendor partners in its project management role to: 1) increase the use of technology to help students and teachers meet or exceed state academic contents standards in ELA, 2) increase the equitable access of technology to all students at all participating schools; 3) improve home/community access to and support of technology. All budgets and deadlines were met. The complexity of the consortia project also involved that its efforts simultaneously support each of the eight participating districts’ individual, state-approved technology plans; meet a key, pre-identified curriculum area of need for each of the eight participating districts; and respectfully work with the existing infrastructures (technical, financial, organizational and human) of each of the eight districts and their respective school boards. Other TES grant management services include customized projects for school districts in Southern and Northern California.